This is an ascii diagram test:

    |                   __________                                  |
    |                   |        |                                  |
    |   |               | EEPROM |          (RX)        (VCC)       |
    |   |___            |________|                                  |
    |   ____|   |   _________________       (GPIO0)     (RESET)     |
    |   |___    |   |               |                               |
    |   ____|   |   |   ESP8266     |       (GPIO2)     (CH_PD)     |
    |   |___    |   | Wifi+ARM_MCU  |                               |
    |   ____|   |   |_______________|       (GND)       (TX)        |
    |   |_______|__                                                 |

    RX      :   UART Receive Pin (Connects to TX of other device)
    VCC     :   3.3V Upper Power rail (Input power)
    GPIO0   :   General Purpose Input Output (0)
    RESET   :   Reset Device
    CH_P2   :   General Purpose Input Output (2)
    CH_PD   :   Chip Enable Pin (pull high)
    GND     :   0V Power Ground
    TX      :   UART Transmit Pin  (Connects to RX of other device)
    |                   __________                                  |
    |                   |        |                                  |
    |   |               | EEPROM |          (RX)        (VCC)       |
    |   |___            |________|                                  |
    |   ____|   |   _________________       (GPIO0)     (RESET)     |
    |   |___    |   |               |                               |
    |   ____|   |   |   ESP8266     |       (GPIO2)     (CH_PD)     |
    |   |___    |   | Wifi+ARM_MCU  |                               |
    |   ____|   |   |_______________|       (GND)       (TX)        |
    |   |_______|__                                                 |

    RX      :   UART Receive Pin (Connects to TX of other device)
    VCC     :   3.3V Upper Power rail (Input power)
    GPIO0   :   General Purpose Input Output (0)
    RESET   :   Reset Device
    CH_P2   :   General Purpose Input Output (2)
    CH_PD   :   Chip Enable Pin (pull high)
    GND     :   0V Power Ground
    TX      :   UART Transmit Pin  (Connects to RX of other device)

CMOS Oscillator

                                       +-----------> Output
     |\          |\          |\        |     |\
     | \         | \         | \       |     | \
     |  \        |  \        |  \      |     |  \
  +--|   >O------|   >O------|   >O----+-----|   >O-----------|
  |  |  /        |  /        |  /            |  /             |
  |  | /         | /         | /             | /              |
  |  |/          |/          |/              |/               |
  |                                                           |
  |                            +5.0V                          |
  |                              |                            |
  |                              \                            |
  |                              /  R1                        |
  |                    /|        \ 10K                        |
  |                   / |        /                 L1         |
  |                  /  |        |                75 uH       |
  +----------------O<   |--------+---+----------)()()()(------+
                     \  |            |
                      \ |            /
                       \|            \  R2
                                     / 10K

CMOS Oscillator

                                       +-----------> Output
     |\          |\          |\        |     |\
     | \         | \         | \       |     | \
     |  \        |  \        |  \      |     |  \
  +--|   >O------|   >O------|   >O----+-----|   >O-----------|
  |  |  /        |  /        |  /            |  /             |
  |  | /         | /         | /             | /              |
  |  |/          |/          |/              |/               |
  |                                                           |
  |                            +5.0V                          |
  |                              |                            |
  |                              \                            |
  |                              /  R1                        |
  |                    /|        \ 10K                        |
  |                   / |        /                 L1         |
  |                  /  |        |                75 uH       |
  +----------------O<   |--------+---+----------)()()()(------+
                     \  |            |
                      \ |            /
                       \|            \  R2
                                     / 10K